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ITW Africa Agenda


  1. ITW & Datacloud Registration
    Radisson Blu, Lobby
    210 mins
  1. ITW & Datacloud Registration
    Radisson Blu, Lobby
    570 mins
  1. ITW & Datacloud Registration
    Radisson Blu, Lobby
    540 mins
  1. Networking Break
    Radisson Blu
    45 mins
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    15 mins

    As hyperscale investment ramps up across Africa, this keynote will spotlight where cloud will manifest. A global cloud provider will take to the stage for the ITW Africa 2024 cloud keynote session, and will discuss:

    • Node expansion v facility development
    • Partnership programmes for AI and beyond
    • Market-by-market breakdown, key areas of priority for development
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    45 mins
    • How are we enabling the transition from content consumption to content creation?
    • What partnerships are developing between cloud and connectivity players?
    • Strategic co-operation agreements to distribute cloud/digital solutions, land cables, and increase fibre connectivity
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    45 mins

    According to IFC and Google, Africa’s internet economy has the potential to contribute around $180 billion to GDP by 2025 – meaning an uplift of roughly $65 billion expected between now and this time next year. What is the shape of recent infrastructure investments, and will they be enough to close the gap and reach the potential? This session will explore:

    • What asset class is most attractive over the next 3 years, and what are the demand drivers?
    • How is the higher interest rate environment affecting access to capital for projects?
    • What is the FTTH investment outlook?
    • Will private equity exits drive further consolidation in the market?
    • Is there scale outside of key markets?
  1. Networking Lunch
    Radisson Blu
    60 mins
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins
    • Does Africa have sufficient submarine connectivity?
    • Price per gbps – what’s the outlook and the impact as an investment opportunity?
    • System architectures of the cables around Africa
    • Does the focus now need to be on terrestrial fibre links?

  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins

    Cross-border projects are key to delivering interoperable, equitable, and open connectivity and bridging the digital divide. This requires collaboration and understanding of the varying regulatory, geographic, and cultural differences country-to-country. Investment also unlocks more fibre route diversity, and with more routes comes more competition, an environment conducive to faster digital transformation. The panel will explore:

    • How are the challenging economics of NLD fibre projects being addressed? And are there extracommercial solutions?
    • What are the pros and cons of infrastructure sharing? And will we see wider adoption?
    • What revenue models allow for the best predictability?
    • What’s the latest on fibre builds across Central Africa? And how can these be the route to unlocking competitive pricing?
  1. Networking Break
    Radisson Blu
    30 mins
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins
    • How are operators managing the transition to net-zero whilst maintaining and delivering on high-level SLAs for customers
    • What balance has been struck between modernisation and decommissioning of legacy technologies?
    • How is full integration of net-zero targets and requirements across all business units and functions ensured?
  1. ITW & Datacloud Registration
    Radisson Blu, Lobby
    480 mins
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    60 mins
    • How are indigenous African operators growing and competing in the wholesale voice and data markets?
    • What challenges are encountered when delayering Netco/ServCo/InfraCo?
    • What will the impact of AI be?
    • What’s the criticality of software-defined networks to business evolution?
    • How is the NaaS opportunity being realised?
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins
    • What is being done to encourage cooperation between government and industry?
    • Is service affordability improving quickly enough?
    • What is the extent of infrastructure upgrades required?
    • What are the opportunities – partnerships etc.
  1. Networking Break
    Radisson Blu
    30 mins
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins
  2. Radisson Blu Breakout Room
    40 mins
    • What are the proposed solutions to mitigate the impact of cable cuts?
    • How much route diversification is required and realistic in the next 5 years?
    • Cable repair, maintenance, and monitoring technologies and contingencies
    • Is the back-up connectivity infrastructure sufficient?
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins
    • The role of MNOs and aggregators in providing Identity-as-a-Service
    • What will be the impact of CPaaS?
    • Which commercial models make sense for international providers in Africa?
  2. Radisson Blu Breakout Room
    40 mins
    • What is required to fix middle-mile and last-mile network infrastructure?
    • How is new technology adoption being promoted?
    • How is competition among service providers being spurred on?
    • How are community relations navigated successfully?
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins
    • How to secure A2P revenues with current market shifts
    • How are we fighting against traffic threats?
    • Levaraging new communication channels such as RCS
  2. Radisson Blu Breakout Room
    40 mins
    • What's the latest on Ethiopia's telco market?
    • How are regulatory environments improving?
    • Is there sufficient human resource in the region?
    • Cable landings update
    • What does new Hyperscale presence unlock?
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    40 mins
    • How are we bridging the digital gender gap and reaching parity in SSA?
    • How can home-grown talent support the world’s connectivity?
    • How is talent being incentivised across the board?
    • How are mindsets changing around training?
  1. Radisson Blu Conference Stage
    50 mins
    • How close are we to a $10 smart phone, and what will this unlock?
    • 4G and 5G evolution and the impact on society
    • What is the super-app value proposition?