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ITW Africa Agenda



Panel: Driving cashflow and tenancy growth through portfolio optimisation

10 Sep 2024
KICC Conference Room 2
TowerXchange Meetup Africa

Despite Africa’s mature tower market, tenancy ratios are varied and below European and US averages. How are towercos preparing their portfolios to drive free cashflow and organic tenancy growth through colocations?

  • Impact of MNO densification strategies on tenancy ratios
  • How ready are towerco networks for multiple tenants?
  • The need for greater visibility and monitoring on multi-tenant sites
  • Managing scaling energy demand for multiple tenants
Lieuwe Boonstra, Business Development Director - SBA SOUTH AFRICA
Olufemi Arosanyin, CEO - IHS CAMEROON
Mariita Maina, Head of Operations - ATC KENYA
Apurba Tribedi, Senior Director - BENTLEY SYSTEMS
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